Web distortion in textile or carpet? Mahlo supplies the right application!
Manufacturers using Mahlo systems supply nearly the entire textile and related industries:
- Agricultural / Landscaping
- Automotive
- Ship / Aircraft / Railway / Spacetravel production
- Clothing
- Construction
- Geotextiles
- Medical / Health Care
- Home / Office Furnishings
- Household
- Industrial/Military
- Personal Care / Hygiene
- Enviromental protection
- Packing / Transportation
- Protective Clothing
- Sport / Leisure products
You are facing one of the many tasks inherent to the textile industry?
You need the correction of web distortion in textile fabrics during the running production process? Employing an automatic weft straightener? Before the stenter? After the stenter? Entirely at some other location?
You need to monitor and correct the distortion and reports of patterns with printed textiles and carpets?
You would like to obtain information on the residual moisture or exhaust air moisture, grammage, thread density, dwell time or fixing time of your textiles during the drying process?
You plan the control of key process parameters at the stenter during textile refinement via modular process control?
You would like to monitor the colour metrics of your dying processes?
You require precise web guidance, width measurement or distance of static charges from running webs?
Regardless of the challenges of the textile industry – Mahlo has the right solutions ready.
- Increase the quality of your products in a sustained and reproducible manner!
- Increase the productivity of your production processes!
- Save energy and resources!
Competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency
The textile industry is one of those sectors where the internationalisation of production and globalisation of the markets has far advanced. They shape the competitive conditions of the companies.
During the past decades the textile and clothing industry experienced a permanent structural change driven by the global realities in the industry. The driving forces were intensive and growing competitive pressure, sinking investments, the significance of wage costs, especially in the clothing industry. Sustained production and – in some countries – the trend to higher quality, technically sophisticated textiles played a major role.
Competitiveness, effectiveness and efficiency are therefore of increasing significance. The broad range of solutions for the textile industry by Mahlo is based on experience reaching back to the year 1945.
Detection and correction of web distortion
From highly specialised straightening systems to the simple weft straightener, commonly also referred to as straightener – the broad and modular offering of weft straighteners of the Orthopac, Orthomax and Orthofact brands hardly leaves anything to be desired for textiles and carpets.
Web distortion can be corrected or controlled to a certain value (often required for denim). The weft straighteners can also be combined with systems for process control.
Sample detection, sample straightening, report measurement
The pattern detection system Patcontrol is utilised for the correction of web distortion of printed products or webs where the weft thread cannot be detected. This system is often used with carpeting, mostly in connection with an Orthopac weft straightener.
Process control for textile manufacturing and textile processing
The modular control systems Optipac and Ecopac handle the process control of finishing processes on the stenter. They control the critical process parameters quickly and with precision.
Thread density
The Famacont allows you to master the thread density. The thread count can be measured and logged but also controlled.
Process control for Coating & Converting
The traversing quality guidance system Qualiscan handles control tasks in the coating industry. It allows controlling critical process parameters on the running web across the entire product width.
Drum dryer control
Atmoset provides energy savings for drum dryers. It regulates the drying energy according to the weight and moisture of the product.