distortion correction


The best way in the world to realign distorted fabric


Bowed or skewed material is no longer accepted by industry, commerce and consumer alike. An ever wider variety of fabrics, higher processing speeds and demands for weft-straight material require intelligent solutions. Claims and reworking cost time and money.

Mahlo offers a wide range of skew detection and correction systems.

An Orthopac straightening system detects distorted woven and knitted fabric or tufted carpeting, and realigns exactly, automatically and at high line-speeds even the most intricate textiles. Numerous types of Orthopacs can be combined in order to meet each customer's specific requirements.

The pin wheel straightening system Orthomax is a fusion of a classic straightener and a pin wheel straightener and merges the best of both worlds.

The Orthofact is the classic pin wheel straigthener.