

Quick and accurate straightening

  • Weft straightener Orthopac RVMC-15

    Classical universally employable weft straightening system - optional with integrated process control system Optipac VMC-15

  • Weft straightener Orthopac RVMC-15

    Classical universally employable weft straightening system - optional with integrated process control system Optipac VMC-15

  • Textile finishing with weft straightener & process control on a stenter

    Stenter frame with weft straightener Orthopac RVMC-15 at the feed-end and scanning bridge Orthopac FMC-15 EP at the delivery end. Patcontrol PCS-15 scanning for pattern distortion at the feed-end. Residual moisture module Textometer RMS and exhaust air humidity module Ecomat AML control the drying processes.

  • Mahlo's automatic weft straightener Orthopac RVMC-15 at the feed-end of a stenter

    Prior to fixing the fabric in the tenter, the weft straightener from Mahlo ensures that the fabric enters the tenter straight and without distortion.

Weft straightening the way it should be

The Orthopac RVMC is the universally employable straightening system from Mahlo for the correction of web distortions for nearly all applications. Available with hydraulic or electrical straightening roller adjustment.

The modular construction allows the system to be configured to meet the demands of changing conditions and requirements.

Product highlights

  • Modular system architecture
  • Easy to retrofit
  • Operator-friendly
  • Informative process visualization

Customer benefits

  •  Online monitoring and regulation of all relevant parameters
  • Increased productivity
  • High production reliability
  • Optimised process repeatability
  • Documentation of quality
  • Providing a comparative basis for the quality standard
  • Considerable energy savings
  • Short amortisation times

Textile process excellence

Textile manufacturers and textile outfitters are fighting with increasing production and energy costs, declining profit margins, shorter production times as well as greater requirements on quality and flexibility. Cost-efficient and quality-focused textile outfitting thus becomes increasingly important. Sustained production and the trend to higher-quality, technically sophisticated textiles also play a major role.

Regardless of the challenges of the textile industry – Mahlo has the right solutions ready. The broad range of applications for the textile industry by Mahlo is based on experience reaching back to the year 1945.

Orthopac is a modular straightening and process control system available throughout the entire process of textile outfitting. It combines the functionality of a weft straightener with that of a process control system in one compact device. It automatically ensures a straight-thread product before and after the drying or fixing process and optimises the processes all around the stenter.

This increases quality and saves resources and energy. The modular design of the system allows its flexible adaptation to all applications. Both, standard requirements and highly customized demands are thus met.

Weft straightening and process control united

The weft straightener Orthopac with integrated web distortion detection forms the basis of the modular design. Additional intelligent sensors can be connected to the control system via a bus connection.

The following process parameters can be measured, visualized, controlled and documented by means of special software packages (Print Server).

  • Weft thread or course skew / skew and bow rollers of the straightener Orthopac RVMC
  • High moisture / squeezing pressure
  • Thread or course density / over-feed
  • Exhaust air humidity / fan speed / flap opening
  • Surface temperature / product web speed and dwell time
  • Grammage / over-feed
  • Residual moisture / product web speed
  • Stretch and Shrinkage / over-feed
  • Product width

The touchscreen of the system displays the measurements. Individually modifiable displays of the measured values facilitate easy monitoring of the complete process by the user.

Various software packages (FULL or BASE) allow adjusting visualization and operating concept to different demands on detectability and user convenience.

Area of application

  • At the feed end of a stenter
  • At the feed end of a levelling stenter
  • On decatisers
  • Ahead of a printing machine
  • Between an open width washing machine and drum dryer
  • On coating ranges ahead of the coater at the feed end of a
    flame laminator
  • At the feed end of wide compactors for knitgoods
  • etc.


  • RMM Straightener: Manual straightening machine without optical scanning system and control

Technical data

  • Power connection: 3 x 400 VAC ±10 %, 50/60 Hz; transformer station available for special voltages
  • Max. power consumption:  4 kVA
  • Ambient temperature: 5 – 45 °C (without A/C unit), 5 – 50 °C (with A/C unit)




Orthopac RVMC-15 & FMC-15, Pezzoli, Italy

Installations at Pezzoli Stamperia srl , Italy

Since 1976 Stamperia Pezzoli provides printing and finishing services for semi-finished textiles, operating according to the highest quality standards in every step of the manufacturing process and ensuring a highly competitive service in terms of technology and styling.

All pictures by courtesy of Opens external link in new windowStamperia Pezzoli

  • Stenter frame with weft straightener Orthopac RVMC-15 at the feed-end and scanning bridge Orthopac FMC-15 EP at the delivery end. Patcontrol PCS-15 scanning for pattern distortion at the feed- and delivery end. Residual moisture module Textometer RMS and exhaust air moisture module Ecomat AML control the drying processes.

  • The Orthopac RVMC is the universally employable straightening system from Mahlo for the correction of web distortions for nearly all applications. Available with hydraulic or electrical straightening roller adjustment. The modular construction allows the system to be configured to meet the demands of changing conditions and requirements.

  • Prior to fixing the fabric in the tenter, the weft straightener from Mahlo ensures that the fabric enters the tenter straight and without distortion.

  • Nice to see on the front left: a measuring roll of the residual moisture measurement Textometer RMS and behind the fabric the counter roll. The electrical conductivity of the web provides the residual moisture. In the background, a headlight of an Orthopac FMC EP scanning bridge for residual distortion measurement subsequent to the fixing in the stenter.

  • Pattern distortion control: The system uses cameras to automatically detect the position of the pattern and – together with a weft straightener – aligns the product distortion based on the print pattern. Thus, the fabric comes out correct even when it was printed oblique or skewed.

  • The width measurement by Mahlo measures and logs the product width. If the width of the fabric is too small or too large, an alarm can be issued.

  • To log the quality of the fabric after the fixing process, a scanning bridge Orthopac FMC scans for web distortion, a Patcontrol PCS for printing pattern distortion, the Wilot WMR determines the product width and the Textometer RMS the residual moisture. An extensive quality report is generated.

Orthopac RVMC-15, Kinemat MMA Stamperia Olonia, Italy

Installations at Stamperia Olonia, Italy

The Italian textile printing company Stamperia Olonia was founded in 1969. Since the 90s it has been a fixture in the international decorative and home textiles sector.
The print shop with an annual output of approximately 30 million m² is located halfway between Milan and Lake Maggiore. The printing area with rotary, flat and digital printing machines up to a width of 320 cm includes a large finishing area, in which the Mahlo devices are also used.

All pictures by courtesy of Opens external link in new windowStamperia Olonia SRL

  • Skew-roller and scanners of weft straightener Orthopac RVMC-15 with pull drive station module MMA-15 on top.

  • Before the calendering line the weft straightener corrects web distortions and ensures that the fabric reaches the calenders straight and according to the quality requirements.

  • Prior to fixing the fabric in the tenter, the weft straightener from Mahlo ensures that the fabric enters the tenter straight and without distortion.