The fusion of camera based pattern recognition with the fastest responding mechanical weft straightener
Patcontrol PCS / RMM - Pattern control with weft straightening
The combination of pattern detection and straightener is a reasonable choice for hard detectable fabrics
Hard detectable fabrics
There are a number of textiles – patterned carpeting, woven and knitted fabric, lace, terry or parasol cloth for instance – that are either exceedingly difficult to detect, or not at all, using conventional techniques, and, as a consequence, cannot be straightened.
To attempt to realign such fabrics to the weft or course is either a futile excercise or an impossible one.
Straighening with pattern detection
This is were the Patcontrol PCS-12A / RMM comes into play. The straightening concept is a fusion of camera based pattern recognition with the fastest responding mechanical weft straightener for
- Automatic pattern detection,
- Distortion correction and
- Design-repeat control
Patcontrol PCS
The Patcontrol PCS system uses one or two cameras, depending on the width of the product, to detect the position of the pattern and automatically and continuously determine the pattern repeat, as well as the product width. These measured values were processed and transmitted to a weftstraightener.
Orthopac RMM
The weftstraightener Orthopac RMM uses the received data to realign the product distortion based on the recognized pattern.
Area of application
- Patterned carpeting
- Woven and knitted fabric
- Lace
- Terry
- Parasol cloth